Monday, October 25, 2010

Smoked Salmon

Got out early from work today. I went to the trib about forty minutes from work. The rain was heavy. I fished from about 1:45 till 6:00. I saw a few fish early and then around 4:00 they started coming up steady. I fished the lower section past the bridge and saw at least thirty fish.

I hooked up a dozen or so times and landed four Chinook's. Nothing else.

I tried some timed shots. I was fishing to shadows before I realized how late it got. I left at dusk.

I took one home and smoked it.

1 comment:

  1. Bob - I like this post a lot, the photos really help tell the story, and I might add that it's a bit funny to see you working out the whole "timing the camera thing!" And you really have to stop catching all these fish, you are putting the rest us to shame.
