What a great weekend. Saturday I took my friend to Spring Creek and we got there at noon. I knew what would be the outcome of fishing mid day. So I gave the day up thinking no fish. This would be a practice day. Guiding my novice friend to schools of lazy trout resting on the bottom. I set her up with a #20 scud and gave her a few tips. The time passed as we both were contend with spooking them with every cast of the fly. She drifted a run and I was confident that if I left her to work the water, she might just enjoy it better.
I walked down stream to a school of browns stacked so thick You could not see the bottom in a 2 foot area underneath them. Setting right on to of the school was a 12 inch brook trout. The water was so clear that with one cast movement of my arm the school recessed. They all dispersed and found cover in shadowy weed infested lairs. Some moved up stream to where 50
yds away I had left my fly fishing companion. Some time passed when She called with a fish on. I managed to arrive at her side by the time she had landed it.
We were both surprised as we took Photos of a small brown. We fished for a few hours with no results but watched many fish swim by.
As it got more toward 3:30 I managed to hook up with a few fish and landed a fat brown before the day ended at 4:00.
The key to guiding late sleepers is to go after supper!