Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Naples Trout Derby

This mornings article in my local paper gives an account of a trout derby close to where I live. Typically I am not a derby fisherman. I have participated in weighing fish at check in stations.
I like to hear the stories of the day's catch. But the thought of 8-9 inch trout being released two days prior and recaptured by treble hooks just gets under my skin. I know there are reasons to keep sportsman active, but I tend toward a more natural approach to fishing.

Here is the link to a summary of the Naples Trout Derby

1 comment:

  1. Bob - It is what it is! The good thing is that by next month most of these guys are out of there and fishing is much more tolerable. Nearly 500 people packed into Naples creek?!?!? I guess I have been spoiled by fishing Sandy.
