Today I guided my friend Alan in hopes of landing a Chinook salmon. We had fly fished together several years back for brown trout. But today would be different.
This morning was very cold when we entered the stream around 8:00 am. But there were no signs of fish to be had. The latest run had to have moved upstream. After seeing someone coming downstream we got the clue that there were only a few up ahead of us. We turned back to the truck and traveled 2 or 3 miles upstream.
(The first lesson: Set the hook hard.)
About 9:00 we spotted our first fish. A nice looking female. I gave some tips to Alan and he tempted the fish until it moved into faster water. He then hooked it, the King then left him as the fly popped out.

I had a great time guiding him.

Brian, whom we met in the stream, hooked up with a male right quick and headed downstream.
He came back and helped teach where to cast to a holding fish.
We soon found a few more fish moving upstream.
(Lesson two:)
(Don't let your friends tie on the leader you fish with)
Alan hooked up 7 or 8 more times. He broke off two leaders after fighting salmon for a while.
He finally landed a female at 33 inches.

He later landed a male at 39 inches, 21 girth, 22 pounds. Allen landed it on 10 pound test
with a #8 pom pom after about 20 minutes.

He said it was the biggest fish he'd ever caught.
He was pleased as punch!
(Lesson three: leave your cell phone at home.)
I had my turn.
I just hooked up with a King, when the phone rang. When I finally got it out of my pocket to answer it, the fish began to take line upstream. I'm glad I landed it.

All in all, I successfully guided Alan into a world of unforgettable fly fishing for huge Lake Ontario Chinook Salmon.